Retrieved: Re-Imagined (2020), Installation View, VCA Graduate Exhibition, Images by Guy Grabowsky
Working across sculpture, painting and installation, my practice investigates a broad network of interests including display, psychology, archaeology and museology,
as well as both personal and art historical narratives. The act of collecting lies at the heart of Retrieved: Re-imagined, where I have gathered together a series of found
and bought objects as the point of departure. Driven by a deep engagement with industrial materials and fabrication processes, the work uses systems and curatorial
strategies to reconsider and interpret new, multilayered pathways between forms. Through a series of actions and operations, such as stacking, casting and re-presenting,
the materials are recontextualised in order to challenge their pre-existing framework and function, while enabling new perspectives and metaphorical associations to arise.
Cycle (2020), Timber, bronze, copper, steel, glass, polyethylene foam, 100cm x 15cm x 104.5cm.
Mask l (2020), Bronze, Steel, 21.5cm x 9.5cm x 10cm.
Retrieved: Re-imagined (2020), Installation View, 2020 VCA Graduate Exhibition.
Retrieved: Re-imagined (2020), Detail Shots, 2020 VCA Graduate Exhibition.